Who We Serve
“RCFE Resource is dedicated to serving clients with a keen interest in the senior and adult residential care market. We provide comprehensive information and resources to support our clients’ goals, whether they are buying, selling, leasing, or operating in this industry. Our expertise and commitment to excellence ensure that our clients have the tools they need to succeed.”

If you are seeking the right facility, business or property, we can assist you in finding the best opportunities available. Our team of experts can help you locate the perfect asset which meets your acquisition requirements and preferences. We help buyers in many ways, including discovering off-market deals, recommending trusted sources of financing, performance of due diligence, organizing inspections and consulting.

Senior and adult housing transactions involve much more than just securing a buyer. There are a multitude of additional steps requisite to achieving a successful close of the transaction. Our team assists sellers with valuation, confidential marketing, negotiating contracts, due diligence, financing, closing, and the successful transition of management and key staff.

In the U.S.,10,000 seniors turn 65 years old every day. The growing demand for senior housing makes this one of the greatest investment opportunities of the next 30 years, as the market seeks to fill this need. There are many senior housing options available, and new varieties are developing to fill the needs of the 73 million Baby Boomers who desire better and safer housing alternatives.
A message from one of our founders.
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July 12-13, 2024
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News You Can Use
Norovirus: Preventing the highly contagious bug
Norovirus, a highly contagious foodborne gastrointestinal disease, is on the rise this winter in California and the nation. One reason, says Dr. Shruti Gohil, associate medical director of epidemiology and infection prevention at UCI Medical Center in Orange, is that we’re gathering in public and in large groups...
Internet, physical activity tied to improved health
McKnight's Senior Living KRISTEN FISCHER-OCTOBER 7, 2024 Chronic diseases have a crucial effect on the health-related quality of life for middle-aged and older adults, but physical activity can improve their health — as can using the internet for health-related purposes, found a study published in BMC Public Health. The authors say it’s...
Medically Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD – WebMD – January 17, 2024 In Your 20s: Foods With Protein Most Americans get plenty of protein, which helps your body build and heal muscle. But active young people, especially those who play sports, may need more. Good sources include lean meat, fish, and dairy products, as well as plant-based sources...
You may have heard chatter recently about the economy and talk about a possible recession. It’s no surprise that kind of noise gets some people worried about a housing market crash. Maybe you’re one of them. But here’s the good news – there’s no need to panic. The housing market is not set up for a crash right now. Nor is the market for assisted...
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