This offering is for a 12-Bed RCFE for sale (Home and Business) in Cathedral City and a 6-Bed RCFE for lease in Rancho Mirage, just 17 minutes away. Chance to control 18-Beds in the desert. RCFEs are immaculately appointed and offer a beautiful, safe and comfortable home for elderly rersidents. Excellent Caregiving staff. Must be purchased together.
During your visit, at Seller’s request, please refrain from discussing the sale in front of caregivers or residents. Be discreet! This sale is confidential!!!
Cathedral City 12-Bed For SALE
32175 Cathedral Canyon Drive, Cathedral City
6 BDR/3 BA 3,333 s.f.
7 Residents grossing $24.7K/mo.
Home: $975K; Business $245K
See RCFE Here:
Estrella 6-Bed For LEASE
106 Estrella Street, Rancho Mirage
6 BED/4 BA 2,226 s.f.
5 Residents grossing $24.7K/mo
Lease: $6,800/mo.; Business $205K
See RCFE Here: